Guild of Shepherds & Collies

Take Your Dog to Work: 7 Warning Signs Your Herding Dog Can’t Participate

take your dog to work

7 Warning Signs Your Herding Dog is Not a Good Candidate for Take Your Dog to Work Week

Your entire workplace is buzzing with excitement: It’s been officially announced that you will be participating in 'Take Your Dog to Work Week'! Conversations bounce around every room, with pet names and cute stories dominating the topics. Everyone has a pup they’re planning on bringing along and that you’ll be sure to meet when the week arrives.

But should every dog be taken to this event? Before you jump on the bandwagon, stop and evaluate if your beautiful friend is suitable to join in. If your dog exhibits any of the below behaviors, you and your dog both may be happier if you leave her home.

Becomes Overwhelmed by Unusual Nearby Activity

With their extreme intelligence and hyper-sensitivity to their surroundings, some herding dogs are slow to adapt to new and strange environments. Their need for consistency can make wildly different situations a frustrating and overwhelming experience. Your office may not be bustling, but it will be different and strange. If your dog is stressed by situations that he doesn’t understand, the office may not be a fun place for him.

Does not Play Nicely with Other Dogs

Herding dogs are some of the kindest animals on the planet, and in addition to their caring nature, they also tend to prefer taking control of every situation they encounter. On the farm, this is an invaluable skill. In the office? Not so much. Even if your pup would never hurt any other dog, it could still alarm your fellow office-workers if she decides to dominate her new social group.

Gets Bored Easily

As the owner of a herding dog, you know how badly your dog needs a job. Their intelligence and energy makes them suited to an endless variety of tasks, but it also means they get frustrated without something to do. How much tolerance for boredom does your dog have? And how much time will you have during the work day to alleviate that boredom? Consider your options before deciding if your pup can handle the long work day.

Is Leery of Strangers

Here’s a given: If your pup was aggressive towards strangers, you would never even consider taking her to the office. So we’re not talking about that, but rather if your dog likes strangers. Or is she the pup who hides in the corner every time guests come over? The one who tolerates petting if asked, but moves away the first chance she gets? If she’s not a fan of strangers, even if not in any way aggressive, she may not be happy sitting in the office with you all day and fielding a brand new fan club of strangers.

Is Loudly Talkative

It’s terribly cute when you say “hello” to him and he woofs “hello” back, or when he gets excited and starts whining and yipping. Or when you ask him a question and he responds with great seriousness and perfect faith that you’ll understand every word he said. But your co-workers may not find his talking so cute, especially when they’re trying to concentrate on their work. This is something you could ask around about; to see if anyone would be bothered by a chatty puppy.

Doesn’t like Being Left Alone

How many times a day do you leave your cubical or office? If you’re in frequent meetings throughout the day, your dog will likely have to stay behind and wait on you. Will she be ok with that? Don’t just base this answer on how well she waits for you at home. In a new situation, she may have separation anxiety that she doesn’t have when she spends the day in her usual home routine. If you aren’t sure, see if any co-workers would be willing to keep an eye on her while you leave. Or perhaps, see if you can schedule meetings to not be on that day that you bring your dog.

Is Quick to Establish Their Territory

Your pup may always behave when you take him out on walks. He’s friendly to strangers, is pleasant to other dogs, doesn’t make a peep - the whole flawless shebang. But what about when he’s staking new ground? With a small area to stay for an entire day, a dog could pretty reasonably assume they’ve been given new territory. If he decides that’s what it is, will he still be nice to everyone? Is he prone to marking his territory, even at inappropriate times and places? Think about how your pup usually handles their territory and imagine if that would be acceptable in an office situation.


Does Your Herding Dog Check out?

Think you and your pup have this list covered? Then congratulations! You two have avoided many of the major obstacles to having an amazing 'Take Your Dog to Work Week'. Have fun, be safe, and spread the word about how dogs are truly man’s best friend - even at work.

Article By:
Afton Jones


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