Guild of Shepherds & Collies
corgi popularity

Is Corgi Popularity Declining?

  Corgi Popularity Might Be at Risk According to some reports, Corgi popularity show a decline, but in my daily life, Corgi’s are still a top herding breed. I love having a Pembroke Welsh Corgi! Not only are they an amazing…

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common illnesses

5 Common Illnesses of Border Collies

As a Border Collie Pet Parent, Be Aware of These Common Illnesses Ah, the Border Collie … the breed most known for their extreme intelligence and high drive. Not to mention their loyalty and high trainability, which make them excellent…

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border collie collapse

When Your Dog Collapses

Border Collie Collapse Syndrome The awe-inspiring energy of the Border Collie is often described as spirited, tenacious, and even relentless.  If you are a typical Border Collie owner, your daily routine probably includes work, sleep and exercising your dog. But…

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35 Corgis to Make Your Heart Melt

We fell in love with this video – full of Corgi Awesomeness! They are small and adorable, but they are intelligent herding breed dogs that will train hard, work hard and love hard! Tell us about your Corgi! You can…

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